Episode 02: Who said this was going to be easy?


Last week we were figuring ourselves out and getting past our anxiety.

We have an agenda, our weight loss journey, work/life balance and a surprise!

The topic is “Poop!” This is a big deal (especially for Diana). A life long issue with “performance anxiety” or public pooping and the very real issue of public bathrooms. We talk about those things that you think but don’t say!

Note: we are very authentic in our conversations so if you have a problem with profanity or vulgar language, this is not for you. But we hope you will stick with us because we know you will relate to our issues!!

Join us! and if you have comments to share, please reach out lifesjourneybff@gmail.com


Episode 03: The great beyond and putting our young lives at risk!


Episode 01: A new podcast! Oh, that’s original.