Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 49 - Special Episode for Suicide Awareness Month

September is Suicide Awareness Month. In this episode, we are very pleased to introduce our audience to two young individuals who are making a difference in the fight to destigmatize mental health and prevent suicide. Areen Hashemi, the Jake Thomas Williams scholarship winner, shares the amazing work with her @NormalizingTheConversation platform. Noah Dhaliwal is the cofounder of "Kick It For a Cause" an organization that raises funds for suicide prevention. If you or someone you know is struggling, please call the 988 Lifeline (1-800-273-8255)

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 48 - Fall means sneezing and kegels!

Diana and Noelle share their fall colds, bladder weakness, and Fantasy Football! They discuss the obsession with online games like Wordle, Sweardle, and Monopoly Go. On a serious note, they talk about the Question of the Week: When should parents be held legally responsible for the criminal actions of their children (in light of the Apalachee High School tragedy)?

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 47 - Little House on the Podcast

Diana shares how things are going in South Carolina and living in two states simultaneously. Noelle & Julie fulfill a lifelong dream of meeting the cast of “Little House on the Prairie”! Noelle gives an update on the 20/20 segment on the Karen Read case and the girls discuss the arrest of a police officer in the Sandra Birchmore murder. Question of the Week - Is social media causing more harm than good? Discuss.

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 46 - It’s been a while.

After a hiatus, the girls are back. Noelle was on vacation and Diana moving into a new house. They have a lot to catch up on...Celebrity deaths and gatekeeping your funeral, Paris Hilton's second act, new sports in the Olympics (breakdancing?), and full-size bear dolls. Oh my!

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 45 - Modern Monocles and Blood Sucking Leeches

The girls give a quick update on the Karen Read trial post-hung jury. What is with the Modern Monocle trend? Who is wearing these? Noelle plans for family camping vacation and they discuss all of the reasons why NO ONE wants to go camping! 

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 42 - I’m going to need a vacation from this vacation

Noelle and Diana share their vacation stories! Noelle faces the challenge of an elderly relative and Diana meets new friends. Diana gives a quick update on the Karen Read trial. The girls discuss celebrities sharing their political opinions and old people smell and  "full body" deoderant.

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 41 - Mushroom Talk with Eric Fowke

Eric Fowke joins us again to share the Stoneham Mushroom Fest event at Natural Food Exchange on June 2, 2024 (2-5 pm). The event will include speakers from Baystaters for Natural Medicines and cover medicinal mushrooms as well as psychotropic mushrooms. Noelle, Diana, Julie & Christine will be there too! Maybe get some free swag! Also on the episode, Diana gives an update on the Karen Read trial and Noelle shares her weight loss plan for the next 6 months!

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 40 - My kid went to college and all I got was this t-shirt!

Noelle and Diana discuss the rising cost of college, their own families' experiences (in-state v out-of-state) and what the future holds. Watch the video for some specific info on Massachusetts. They also get into the quirky habits that they both have (stopping the microwave before it 'dings') and Noelle shares the latest "shit that Diana sends me".

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 39 - Fear of Flying and the Gen X Second Act

Diana and Noelle talk about flying, turbulence and rebelling against "airplane mode", and the science behind the snooze button. They're joined by Julie to talk about the trend of Gen Xers that are leaving the traditional workforce to go after their dream jobs or just make a change.

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 38 - Did you bring protection?

Diana and Noelle talk about the news that Abby Hensel, one of the conjoined twins, is married. They have questions, lots of questions.  The girls are joined by Lynn Nadeau of Defensive Strategies, one of the instructors from their firearms class. Lynn shares important information on personal safety and details on the classes available for women. Did you experience the Solar Eclipse? Hope you didn't get your glasses from Amazon - there was a recall. 

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 37 - Healthy Changes with Guest Eric Fowke, Natural Food Exchange

Noelle and Diana talk about some dietary changes they are making to reduce inflammation and help with their overall health, the Blue Zones and growing their own food. They're joined by a special guest, Eric Folke, owner of Natural Food Exchange in Stoneham, MA. Eric is a friend from our college days and shares a lot of great information on natural remedies to alleviate allergy symptoms (it's finally Spring!) as well as other recommendations. The girls try kombucha and natural sodas for the first time! In their Tidbit they reminisce about jelly shoes - they're baaack.

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 35 - “Who Knows Me Better?” and a special co-host

Noelle is out sick so Julie steps in to co-host with Diana. Not to worry though, Noelle appears in the "Who Knows Me Better?" battle between the BFFs and the husbands. Jim and Dave join Noelle and Diana. Who will win?? Julie and Diana talk about the Oprah health special, the update on Princess Kate, and our own Boston mystery - why were hundreds of cyclists on the expressway this weekend?

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 34 - Do you feel lucky, Punk?

Noelle gets her hearing aids (Dave is thrilled), Diana tries her first yoga class and they celebrate the benefits of napping. The girls discuss the mystery of Where is Princess Kate? Tidbit! Noelle, Diana and Chrisy go to a gun safety and defense class and visit the gun range. Yikes! All this and more on this week's episode!

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 33 - Face Yoga, Body Parts and Mean Girls

Diana and Noelle give their opinion on trying "face yoga" and can't keep a straight face. An update on the body parts surfacing around the country (weird). They both share a "Tidbit" about how Julie was the mean girl in school.

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 32 - Gen Z Slang Challenge

Noelle and Diana are joined by Noelle's kids, Emily & Chris for a Gen Z Slang Challenge. How did they do? Do they have Rizz? No cap. The girls bring up the ReesaTeesa "Who TF Did I Marry?" story that is beyond viral (goes hard?)

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Julie Williams Julie Williams

Episode 31 - Planes, Trains and Crazy Stories

Diana and Noelle talk about the concept of Exercise Snacking - short bursts of movement throughout the day, and other ways to stay motivated. They get into some crazy stories involving airplane malfunctions. aliens and body parts found in random places! 

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